Step over the "white model"

Ne Tiger model at the Ne Tiger Luxury Store

Young man prepares in a yard in downtown Beijing

Bicycle carrier in the rain

Little girl works on her homework at her parents calligraphy store

Hundreds years old wooden ceiling at the Beijing Ancient Architech Museum

A lady and her dog in rushy downtown

Business man

Local street life next to Prince Gong's Mansion

Buddhist wish boards at the Prince Gong's Masnion

Golf club

Perfectly fit

Jianwai Soho

Jianwai Soho

Entrance of the Beiing Planetarium

Grandpa plays with his kite and grandson

Liu Ruowang's giant ape sculptures at the Parkview Green Mall

Guitar student at the Tongzhou Music College

Piano student at the Tongzhou Music College

Taiwanese popstar Hebe Tien performs at the Mastercard Arena

Locals at the Grande Canale Forest Park

Artist paints at the Songzhuang Art District

Sculpture at the Songzhuang Art Museum

A man cleaning the ashes at the Fayuan Temple

Monk closes his room at the Fayuan Temple

Alley at Fayuan Temple

Monks at the Fayuan Temple

Silk worm at the Fayuan Temple

Local man types on his phone in a dark hutong alley

Wall in a hutong

Old local cleaning his doorstep in a hutong

Gallery at the Art District 798

Ai Wei Wei on his way back to his studio at the Art District 798

Electrician at work

Locals brings food for the monks at the Fayuan Temple

Hutong nightlife

Food store in a hutong

School girl reads during her dinner

The Mothers always watching us

Young girl cleans her parents store's doorstep in a hutong